When to See a Specialist About Hearing Changes

It can be tricky knowing the best course of action, especially with the things that involve your health. After all, an ache or pain from time to time is completely normal — so is a headache. So, shouldn’t you expect hearing changes as well, especially if you’re getting older?

While it’s certainly true that you can experience age-related changes in your hearing, that doesn’t mean you should ignore them. Hearing conditions can occur for various reasons — some causes lead to temporary changes, and others may be permanent.

In this blog post, the expert audiologists at Sharp Hearing Care Professionals share insight into hearing changes and why it’s important to schedule an appointment with a specialist when they arise.

Types of hearing disorders

When people think of hearing changes, they typically assume hearing loss. However, a variety of disorders can affect how you hear, such as:

As with hearing loss, all of these disorders can affect people at any age. They can also significantly impact your quality of life, and some worsen with time.

Because of this, our team recommends scheduling an audiology consultation if you notice changes in how you perceive sound.

What to expect during an audiology consultation

The good news is that this office visit is completely painless and requires no advanced preparation. Instead, you simply make an appointment at one of our convenient locations — in Oxnard, Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, or Tarzana, California.

During your consultation, your audiologist asks about your symptoms and reviews your medical and hearing history. We also ask questions about a family history of hearing disorders and exposure to loud noises.

We physically examine your ears with a special tool known as an otoscope. This device allows us to spot signs of earwax buildup, infection, damage, or other issues impacting your hearing.

Once we complete this step of your exam, we perform a hearing test. This determines whether soundwaves that enter your ear reach your brain.

Based on your hearing test, we could recommend a hearing evaluation. This assessment is a more in-depth evaluation of your hearing that allows us to identify your conditions, hearing loss, and the type and degree of hearing loss.

After identifying what’s behind your hearing changes, we can move forward with options for treating them.

Personalized treatment for hearing disorders

There are a variety of treatments for hearing disorders based on their cause. For instance, we could use procedures to remove objects or wax buildup, medications to treat infections or swelling, or surgery to address structural issues.

Our team also offers treatments for sound sensitivity, like retraining therapy and custom-made earmolds that modify what you hear.

Another common treatment for hearing disorders involves hearing aids for hearing loss. These cutting-edge devices can help improve your ability to hear sounds around you. 

The importance of visiting a hearing specialist

At the end of the day, if you notice changes in your hearing, play it safe and see a specialist. It’s essential to schedule an audiology consultation if you start having problems hearing. 

Nearly 27 million Americans 50 and older have hearing loss. That includes 1 in 3 adults between 65 and 74, and these numbers surge to nearly half of those over 75. 

Unfortunately, ignoring hearing loss can reduce your quality of life, lead to social isolation, and even increase your risk of dementia. Yet only 1 in 7 use a hearing aid.

The stigma of hearing aids often keeps people from seeking treatment. However, people of all ages can experience hearing loss, and modern devices can address the problem discreetly and inconspicuously.

Could you benefit from an audiology consultation? Contact the experts at Sharp Hearing Care Professionals to schedule an appointment at the location near you today.

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